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Building a Feminist Economy Infographic
Feminist Economy infographic - Updated (
First Feminist Economy infographic (ESP)
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SWOP has made great strides in boosting a feminist economy with this mask-making project! We have employed over 150 seamstresses, printers and collaborators, and partnered with over 25 local distributors. 

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Media Coverage

"Mask with a triple purpose" - Albuquerque Journal

Jobs, masks and census participation.

That sums up the issues the SouthWest Organizing Project and several partner organizations are trying to address through their “masks with a message” project, said organizer Monica Demarco.

Read the full article here

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SWOP board member Janelle Astorga Ramos wearing a census mask produced by New Mexico Global Women’s Pathways.

"City of Albuquerque gives $5,000 grant to organization to make masks" - KOB News

Mikyle Gray, with SWOP, says they're paying people who otherwise might not be making any money during the pandemic. "They're not being included, and so they're not getting any help. So to provide this opportunity for them to work and get paid and have some stability during this time is one of the goals we wanted to accomplish."

Read the article in full here

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SWOP's Media and Communications Organizer, Mikyle Gray, speaking on the importance of a feminist economy.


"CNM Partners with Local Nonprofits to Make Employee Face Masks" - CNM

“CNM is delighted to be partnering with SWOP,” says Angela Sims, the Executive Director of the Marketing and Communications Office at CNM. “Supporting our local community in this difficult time is integral to our Vision of Changing Lives, Building Community.” 

Read the full article here

Nkazi Sinandile, the founder of New Mexico Women’s Global Pathways, and the co-founder of Immigrant and Refugee Resource Village of Albuquerque, sews masks.

Photo Project

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